Pediatric and/or Special Needs CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy CST Pediatrics and Special Needs Appleton WI

Because such a light touch is used, CST is appropriate for all ages, from infants to elders, and for most conditions.

Children often respond quickly and welcome CranioSacral work since it is so non-invasive. In practice, we have seen children who cannot yet speak, guide the therapist's hands to the exact areas that need attention. It is recommended that clients with a history of aneurysm or cerebral hemorrhage consult their physicians.

A CranioSacral Therapy session is performed with the client lying on a massage table, removing only shoes, belt, and jewelry.  Clients may find themselves attaining a state of deep relaxation, some even fall asleep during treatment.  At other times clients find themselves more talkative, perhaps experiencing emotional release from the stresses of life or even healing from distant memories.  Each session is unique as the body resolves the issues it needs to, with the trained therapist's assistance.  The client may feel the improvement immediately, or more subtly over several days.  Because CST facilitates the body's own healing mechanisms, progress initiated in a session may continue for days or weeks afterward.