CranioSacral Therapy
What is CranioSacral Therapy?
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle therapeutic method of assessing and balancing the body's craniosacral system. This system is composed of the membranes and fluids which surround and protect the brain and spinal cord.
A light, but focused, touch (approximately the weight of a nickel) is used to remove blockages, called restrictions, in the craniosacral system. Areas of restriction lead to decreased nerve transmission and circulation, then to symptoms of discomfort and pain. The craniosacral and nervous systems are connected to the rest of the body through connective tissue called fascia. These connections allow CranioSacral Therapy to effect distant areas and organ systems of the body, especially impacting the nervous, musculoskeletal, endocrine, and vascular systems. Myofascial release is incorporated into our CranioSacral Therapy sessions.
All prices effective as of January 1st, 2025
CST is typically performed wearing loose comfortable clothing.
A 60 or 90 minute session is recommended for your first CST evaluation and treatment.
CranioSacral Therapy
30 min | 60 min | 90 min
$60 | $120 | $180
Relaxation Massage &
CST Integration
60 min | 90 min |120 min
$120 | $180 | $240
Therapeutic Massage
& CST Integration
60 min | 90 min |120 min
$120 | $180 | $240
Theragem™ & CST Integration
60 min | 90 min
$180 | $240
“The CranioSacral Therapy that Dawn provided me has relieved all the upper back and neck pain I had experienced for several years. For as long as I can remember, I have had upper back pain that included headaches and with just two, one hour sessions with Dawn, I now have very little if any pain throughout my upper back and neck. I felt relief immediately and the pain was nearly gone within hours of my first session. The most amazing thing I found with the therapy is that with just two sessions, I have felt the relief I have been looking for in my upper back for several years.”
Pediatric and/or Special Needs CranioSacral Therapy
Because such a light touch is used, CST is appropriate for all ages, from infants to elders, and for most conditions.
Approximately 30 minutes
30 min | 60 min
$55 | $110
“When I noticed one of my baby’s eyes was droopy, I immediately thought of CranioSacral. From the beginning, Dawn ensured we all felt comfortable. She has a gentle demeanor, exudes kindness, and is very knowledgeable. It is obvious she deeply cares about the wellbeing of her clients. In no time, Dawn’s work was making a difference. Within a few months, a significant change was visible. Thank you Dawn!”
Pediatric and/ or Special Needs CranioSacral Therapy
“As you know, my body has been under attack from cancer for almost six years. Last year it metastasized in my spine and I received radiation treatment to stop the growth/spread of the cancer. I had increased pain and less mobility. Then, this past March, I was told that the area in my lower spine that had been radiated had again become active with cancer. After having Micro Plastic surgery, I had much less mobility and more pain. In April, you began treating me and I’m enjoying less pain and greater mobility, along with increased strength. Thank you and God bless you!”
History of CranioSacral Therapy
A century of exploration
What conditions may be helped with CranioSacral Therapy?
Improving general health and wellness
Reducing stress and tension
Acute and chronic pain from many origins
Fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders
Orthopedic problems and injuries
Migraines and other headaches
Traumatic injury
Depression and anxiety
Chronic sinus problems
Sleep challenges
Birth trauma
Infant feeding problems including pre/post frenectomy
Dawn is a certified CranioSacral Therapy Diplomat.
She was trained by Dr. Nancy Soliven, DC, MD of Integrative Bodywork Institute. Dr. Soliven worked as a team leader with the Upledger Brain and Spinal Cord Center and has taught CST internationally for many years. Integrative Bodywork Institute uses a synthesis of traditional therapies and intuitive assessment to discover and treat the causes of dis-ease by working with the craniosacral, fascial, and energetic systems.
Please see Frequently Asked Questions for more details.
“After seeing two chiropractors over the course of a year about the very intense, shooting, sharp pain in my lower back, I was informed my vertebrae (L5-S1) was pinching a group of nerves and I would always be in some pain for the rest of my life. I was unwilling to accept the diagnosis and after some research I found out about Dawn’s gift of listening to what my body needed. After two very relaxing CranioSacral Therapy sessions with Dawn, the shooting pain in my lower back has been gone. Since then, Dawn has used a combination of CST, massage therapy, and polarity for a systemic approach to undo my body’s twists and misalignments, a result of my body compensating for my lower back pain. Today, I look forward to living the life I imagined...pain free.”
“My daughter was diagnosed with Down Syndrome a few days after her Birth-day. She experienced a 48 hour labor. One of the challenges she faced right away was a struggle to latch on and maintain a good latch for breastfeeding. She also struggled to breathe well while sleeping and eating. She spent a week in the NICU, undergoing many tests and treatment—stressful on her little body. We saw Dawn for CranioSacral Therapy to help bring balance back to her body, including her head, due to all she had experienced. I also hoped it might help with her latch and breathing. Within a few minutes, we saw visible changes in her head, face, and jaw. The shape of her palate changed enormously, and there was less tension in her jaw. Her sinuses began to open up. We have been back several times, and continue to see marked improvements in her overall health and posture. She is now nursing without any challenges, and is able to breathe (and sleep) much better (and quieter!) This has changed her life, and ours, forever.”