New to EFT?
You must schedule a free consult before scheduling sessions to ensure that you and your practitioner are comfortable that you are a good candidate for Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) work.
EFT sessions are held in person at our office (preferred if you are local) or online via Zoom video conferencing.
All prices effective as of January 1st, 2025
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Coaching
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) utilizes gentle tapping on specific acupressure points to clear energetic blockages which has the potential to promote stress reduction, pain relief, emotional healing, renewed clarity, and transformation on every level.
Please note when scheduling whether you are coming in person or doing sessions remotely via Zoom video conferencing.
Single Session - $120
3 Session Package - $345
6 Session Package - $660
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) doesn’t just benefit adults.
K’s hair before EFT
K’s hair after EFT
Even young children can have wonderful results with EFT, like this four year old. Her mom shared these photos from when they first started working with us a little over a year ago to now. She stopped pulling and twisting her hair out after we taught her to "do her taps" and her stress levels were better managed with EFT and CST (Craniosacral Therapy). Her big sister French braided her hair for the first time recently and she was so excited! Children often respond very quickly to Emotional Freedom Techniques work and especially enjoy Picture Tapping with EFT.
How does it work?
Check out this fantastic resource!
is your online resource hub for tapping science.
EFT uses a gentle tapping procedure which stimulates designated acupressure points on the face and body while speaking specific phrases and focusing on issues of emotional intensity. This process allows release and neutralization of the strong emotions associated with the issues and events bringing the opportunity to re-frame them in a positive light. Clinical EFT, which has been validated by numerous peer-reviewed studies published in major medical and psychological journals, is the primary form of EFT that we use, teach and endorse. EFT has been shown, by studies and in our practice, to be an effective tool for relieving pain, releasing worry and fears, re-framing emotions such as anger and perpetual sadness to contentment and joy, and even dismantling food cravings! EFT Tapping can even be used successfully by children!
Dawn is an internationally Accredited Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner with EFT International working towards her Advanced Practitioner status. She has completed numerous additional trainings in working with trauma and is also certified in Picture Tapping Technique and Matrix Reimprinting.
“After only two EFT sessions with Dawn, my 55-year long history of anxiousness, triggers, and trauma about dental work dissolved by the end of the second session. What, in the past would have provoked a severe reaction even with lots of relaxation and self-talk just to make it into the dental chair, became a non-issue. My dentist was so amazed at the difference, he stopped twice during my appointment to acknowledge how well it seemed I was doing. Instead of leaving the appointment experiencing the backlash of anxiousness and tension generated by the appointment, I walked out giggling inside celebrating my huge victory!”
EFT Tapping is not counseling or psychological therapy, and Dawn is not a licensed mental health care professional. If you are concurrently working with another licensed physical/mental health care provider and have been diagnosed with a serious condition, she may require a release from your provider to ensure they agree that working with EFT is an appropriate adjunctive therapy to their work.
What can I expect?
EFT sessions are held in person at our office (preferred if you are local) or online via Zoom video conferencing. A round of EFT generally consists of tapping on the side of the hand, followed by tapping on a series of points on your head and upper torso while talking about specific events and emotions. You will be tapping on yourself, unless our session is in person and you are unable to do so, or if you prefer me to tap on your hand during Matrix Reimprinting work. I will show you what to do and will lead you throughout our sessions.
Because bigger issues are rarely resolved in a single session (and most of us have more than one wellness goal), we highly encourage clients to use our cost effective five session packages to help you step into new levels of freedom. During your first and shortest package session, I will answer any questions you have about EFT and we will focus on goal setting. Your second session is longer (approximately 90 minutes) since you will be learning EFT Tapping or reviewing and refining your skills if you have learned elsewhere, such as from a book or the internet, as well as completing an EFT tapping session with me. After your second session, please plan on 60-75 minutes per session.
“I incurred a neck injury from nursing and holding my rather heavy baby for long periods of time. Dawn taught me how to use EFT to deal with the pain it was causing me. During our first session, we were able to reduce my pain by focusing on it and tapping on it. My pain level went from a 10 to 3 in one session! I noticed a significant decrease in the discomfort after a couple of sessions. I also noticed that certain emotions seemed to be tied to some aspects of the pain. I am certain that using EFT to help address some of those emotions also contributed to a much quicker recovery.”
“True confession—I HATED doing dishes! I am so grateful that with the help of EFT, that has changed!!! Through my EFT sessions with Dawn, I uncovered some deep-rooted emotional connections I had with family responsibilities from being the second oldest in a large family. After working through these issues with tapping, I can honestly say I no longer have a sense of dread when it comes to dishes. I battled the pile of dishes for YEARS and I am so thankful that I no longer feel like it is a battle. It is so much easier to develop new habits without old emotional ties holding me back!”