What smells? Anosmia & Olfactory Training
For a number of our clients, nothing has for weeks or months now due to recent illness.
As we are seeing more clients dealing with diminished or absent sense of smell post-Covid, we wanted to pass along some ideas that have been around (even before 2020 came along) for addressing anosmia, the absence of the sense of smell.
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Reflections: Ten Years of Soteria Wellness
While I was in my business class in massage school, dreaming of what my future would look like as I embarked on this later-in-life career shift, today’s Soteria Wellness was far beyond those dreams.
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Love Your Lymph This Winter: How do Massage & Bodywork Support a Healthy Immune System?
Massage and bodywork support your immune system by reducing stress (we are likely all familiar with the impact stress has on our immunity) and enhancing circulation of blood and lymph throughout the body. Why is that important in winter?
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MediCupping™ - How does it work?
The suction and negative pressure provided by cupping can loosen muscles and fascial restrictions, encourage blood and lymph flow, and sedate the nervous system encouraging a deeply relaxed state.
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MediCupping™ - What should I expect?
MediCupping is a system of vacuum therapies that have been used extensively to address a wide variety of concerns. Here’s what you can expect.
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Pediatric and/or Special Needs CranioSacral Therapy
Because such a light touch is used, CST is appropriate for all ages, from infants to elders, and for most conditions.
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History of CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle therapeutic method of assessing and balancing the body's craniosacral system, and it’s based on a century worth of exploration.
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Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna
A powerful place to relax and allow your body to heal.
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Touch for Health™ - How does it work?
Touch for Health™ helps identify and repair the areas of over and under energy and bring our bodies back into balance.
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Benefits of Massage Therapy
Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage is an effective tool for managing stress and restoring the body and mind.
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Services for Infants & Babies
The first three months after baby's arrival compose a symphony of transformation. CranioSacral Therapy and Massage are an important element of good health and maintaining balance for both parents and child.
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Bodywork & Body Image
Many people are hesitant about receiving massage and bodywork. Assumptions that massage and bodywork must be performed without clothing; self-consciousness over age, appearance, weight, scars, and disabilities; and concerns that touch may trigger negative memories from the past are all very real thoughts and emotions. At Soteria Wellness, we’re dedicated to providing an oasis of sensitivity to your experience.
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The Childbearing Year
Pregnancy and the postpartum period are miraculous times of transformation. At Soteria Wellness, we honor you and your family in all the stages of this journey.
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