Theragem™ Fusion Light Therapy
Theragem Fusion Light Therapy is a state-of-the-art technology using a combination of colored full spectrum light (chromatherapy) filtered through various gemstones combined with gentle frequencies that harmonize the body and mind. Depending on the color, gems, and program selected, the sessions may be balancing, calming, energizing, or stimulating to various parts of the body and mind. If there are cold, stagnant areas in the body, we use it to bring warmth and vitality in. If areas are hot and inflamed, we use cooling gemcups to help ease discomfort and help the tissues repair. Theragem is a gentle way to kick start your body’s healing mechanisms, to relax muscles and nerves, increase circulation, and promote balance in body and mind.
All prices effective as of January 1st, 2024
Single Sessions
45 min | 75 min
$40 | $70
(six sessions in six months)
45 min | 75 min
$200 | $350
“I LOVE the Theragem. It is so relaxing and just puts my mind in a really good place.”
Theragem sessions can vary slightly in time from visit-to-visit. For more details on the right session for you, please talk to your therapist.
While it may sound a little strange, gems and crystals have been used for many years in medical and precision lab equipment because of their ability to focus light. With pressure or specific angled cuts many gems also dispense a gentle electrical current. Most people are familiar with quartz watches or how various crystals are commonly used in everyday technology like radios, TVs, and radar systems or how diamonds are used in some medical lasers. Now we can expand these uses into the wellness realm by using these deeply penetrating signals to nourish the mineral and crystalline matrix inside our bodies.
Theragem is a state-of-the-art technology that has the potential to improve every area of your life. Light therapy works best when shone on bare skin or, if needed for modesty, over thin loosely-woven white cotton clothing.
Contraindications and Cautions: Theragem is contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation, and in clients who have epilepsy.
“I was battling a nasty sinus head cold and was doing all the natural remedies I could think of. Dawn suggested using the Theragem Fusion Light Therapy, knowing that I had a big trip in a week and needed to be healthy. On Day 3 we used the sinus support recommendation and immediately I noticed a difference. Within a half hour after the session, I could breathe and wasn’t stuffy anymore. It was the first night I didn’t need to use something to suppress symptoms so I could sleep. We did it one more time today and this time I could feel the tingling in my cheek bones, and along my forehead. I couldn’t believe how much of a shift it provided in getting me healthy again and ready for my trip. Thank you Dawn!”
Theragem & CranioSacral Therapy Integration
The combined benefits of Theragem and CranioSacral Therapy’s gentle therapeutic method of assessing and balancing the body's craniosacral system create a unique, relaxing, and restorative experience.
If you would like to learn more, please ask your therapist whether this combination is best for you.
“The Theragem therapy was amazing! I was blessed to be able to have 3 of the cups used. All 3 had a different feeling both physically and emotionally associated to them. The first cup used was Sapphire on the top of my head. Physically I had sensations of lite pulses of energy going up and down my body. Energetically or using the parasympathetic side of the body was a totally different experience. The energy was gentle, super relaxing; to the point I felt like I was floating...super mental clarity while in that space, but at the same time not overwhelming. The second cup used was Diamond and Carnelian. This was used on the area of the Spleen to get the blood and energy moving. Physically it felt like a warm gentle heat in the area of my spleen. Energetically I felt more of a buzzing sensation along my body. Not super quick, but I could just feel the energy moving along the meridians of my body. I was still able to drift off, but it felt more like being super aware of my body’s physical response to the cup. The third cup that was used was a mixed gem cup. This cup was placed on the area of my belly button, for a bit of boost in my GI tract. This was super powerful both physically and parasympathetically. Physically I felt a gentle warmth in the area of the light, the warmth spread out to encompass my entire abdominal area. This was a nice gentle warmth; very relaxing. Energetically or parasympathetically, I felt gentle pulses of energy from my hips up to my sternum. It formed a triangle pattern the entire time. There was a pretty potent release the entire time with a lot of small physical releases or small twitch’s along my core. After the 3rd cup the session was complete. I felt very relaxed afterward, although I did have difficulty trying to put into words what I was feeling during the session when Dawn would come in and check on me and switch the cups. It was an overall fabulous experience! I would recommend this to everyone!”