Service Add Ons
Whether you’re waiting for your service to begin or you’re hoping to extend the rest and relaxation beyond the treatment room, we have a variety of different ways to nourish and refresh your entire being.
Amplify your session with soothing vibrations to relax tense muscles and relieve stress. Tuning forks may be used either on the body for deep relaxation, postural balancing and pain issues or above the body for stress relief and energy enhancement depending on your desired outcome. Dawn will customize each session based on your needs and preferences.
Time: Varies by preference
Synergy Stones go beyond simply impacting pressure and motion sensors. They also stimulate millions of thermal (heat) receptors during massage. The deep soothing heat of Synergy Stones radiates from the skin, deep into the muscles and fascia for a sedating warmth that melts tension and calms your nervous system.
Both the AromaTouch™ Technique and Symphony of the Cells™ Restorative Essential Oil Application can be enjoyed as a stand-alone session OR as an add-on service that does not increase the session length.
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Time: No additional time
BEMER stands for Bio-Electromagnetic Energy Regulation. It is a powerful yet gentle, cutting-edge pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) based technology designed for both home or professional use to promote circulation in the smallest blood vessels (microcirculation.)
Time: 8-16 minutes
An infrared sauna provides a soothing warmth that increases the body's core temperature at a deeper level allowing profound detoxification and pain relief. Infrared therapy has been shown to aid weight loss, relieve pain, improve circulation, and rejuvenate skin.
Time: 30-45 minutes
A wellness consultation helps you customize and prioritize your care plan for the best bodywork, essential oil, adjunctive therapies and self-care options to move you forward on your health journey. Consultations are available online or in person–just let us know your preference.
Time: 15 minutes